Friday 4 March 2016

A hidden treasure in town opens its doors to the public, it is housed within the small annex right beside the main building. This landmark commemorates the late comedian, actor, singer, composer & film director none other than Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr.Teuku Nyak Putih, commonly known as P.Ramlee.

 Exterior Section of P.Ramlee's House from different 
sides and angles.


Jawi-writing : P.Ramlee's House
House by house, this is regarded as the TOP preserved house in Penang as it is reserved by Malaysian National Archieve to preserve its original design and structure. The house is a traditional Malay house. The wooden house is raised on stilts to avoid flood after heavy rainfalls.There is an old tree nearby the house where P.Ramlee used to play as a boy. 

This house is also remarkable as P.Ramlee was born in this house on 22nd March 1929.
It was officially opened on 13th December 1991.The wooden house is filled with P.Ramlee's life history and showcases of his personal memorabilia.

P.Ramlee's bicycle parked under the wooden house.

It is interesting how P.Ramlee used his bicycle's brake to create rhythms when cycling.(As described from the information/description board)

This is an old sampan used by late P.Ramlee.
He used the sampan to move around the river during the flood as the place of his residence often hit by flood during heavy rain and monsoon season. 

The Bedroom

As we enter the bedroom we can see an old-fashioned iron bed, table,mirror and iron trunk which was used to store clothes.

The Kitchen

This area shows the original kitchen and utensils used by the late P.Ramlee's younger days.

The Exhibition Hall 

Here we find P. Ramlee's artifacts as well as pictures of his involvement in the arts and sports.]

P.Ramlee - A Rare Star

It has been nearly five decades since P.Ramlee passed away in 1973, but this is one star that even young generations would recognize today. He had undisturbed talents and creativity which he showcased in his career. His films are laden with meaningful messages,humour and storylines which stands the test of time. Many of P.Ramlee's films are social commentaries relatable across geographical borders and often wrapped in comedy.P.Ramlee fights for his social rights through his works. He is talented in writing a story that depicts human beings and as the same despite their social status. To him, everyone has a role to play in the society.


Lot 2180, Jalan P.Ramlee, Georgetown, Penang.
Tuesday to Sunday - 9 a.m. - 5.30p.m.
                   Friday  -  9 a.m.- 12.00p.m.
 ( Closed on Mondays, except during public or school holidays)
The house chronicles his life history as well as showcases personal memorabilia. Tourists will get a lot of knowledge about the national star.

 Location Map from Google

Step in P.Ramlee House and you will be instantly teleported to a forest-like space in shades of wooden beam, including its furnitures.The open-air wooden house can be very warm under the sultry weather, especially with the absence of air conditioners. It can be a picturesque place to travel back in time with P.Ramlee's past life as it is still well preserved! Why not mark the location down on your travel map? If you are having transportation problems, check out the user-friendly applications listed on the sidebar of this blog. 

VISIT Penang. VISIT P.Ramlee's House.


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