Friday 4 March 2016

Tan Sri P. Ramlee (22 March 1929–29 May 1973)  whose real name is TEUKU ZAKARIA BIN TEUKU NYAK PUTEH, was a Malaysian film actor, director and songwriter. Due to his contributions in the movie and music industry, as well as in the literary scene, he is often attributed as the icon of Malay entertainment in both Malaysia and Singapore.

P.Ramlee House

P.Ramlee monument

P.Ramlee mother

P.Ramlee's house is located at lot 2180, Jalan P.Ramlee, Penang. P. Ramlee was born in this house, which built in 1926 by father and uncle Rejab bin Hussein 
P.Ramlee and his wife
The house was twice renovation by the latter, one during the Japanese occupation and again in 1948. The National Archives accquire the house and carried out restoration works in 1991. The original form of the house is still intact. In 1925, his father from Lho' Seumawe in Acheh by the name of Teuk Nyak Puteh settled in Penang to marry the woman who is the mother of P. Ramlee's from Butterworth, Che Mah Hussein.

Francis Light School
He attended Kampung Jawa Malay School and Francis Light English School then he continue his secondary  education at the Penang Free School until Second World War broke out. During the period Japanese occupation in Malaya, he continue his education at the Japanese Navy School Kaigun Gako. When the global war ended, he resumed his schooling in the Penang Free School and was excel in sports particularly in badminton, sepak takraw and  football.  

Francis Light School
The land of his house still stands at the location, which some after 90 years after his death was renamed Jalan P. Ramlee and now draws streams of curious visitors. Ramlee was born in the house of his maternal grandmother on March 22 on the festive day of Hari Raya Aidil Fitri  of 1929.After 44 days, he was brought to his parents's home in Kampung Jawa but later on kept coming to Counter Hall till his groundbreaking move to the illustration studio of the Shaw Brothers in Singapore.

P. Ramlee was married three times. His first marriage, to Junaidah Daeng Harris in 1950, ended in a divorce four years later. His second marriage in 1955, to Noorizan Mohd. Noor who a member of the royal family of State of Perak, also ended in divorce in 1961. His last marriage was to Saloma in November 1961 until his death. In addition to his two sons, Mohamad Nasir and Arfan, from his marriage to Junaida Daeng Harris, he also had several adopted children: Sazali P. Ramlee, Safarina bte Mum (also known as Dian P Ramlee), Betty P. Ramlee, Zakiah bte Ahmad Rejab and Sabarudin bin Ramlee. He was also the stepfather to the three children from his spouses' previous marriages, namely, Abdul Rahman (Junaida's son), Norma (Noorizan's daughter) and Armali bin Aman Ramlie (Saloma's son).


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